Tag: Signed Ed

Access for student journalists a right

Media access for student journalists shouldn’t be considered a privilege—or a novelty. It’s a right.  Earlier this month, The Journal reported on attending a Doug Ford press conference despite initially being told by one of his staffers there wouldn’t be one.  The Premier-designate made two Kingston...

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Make prisoner health a priority for student advocacy

Kingston has two sets of bars—in its Hub and in its prisons.   Queen’s students overlook the latter and it’s a detriment to our community. As reports of poor prisoner health trickle in, it’s our social responsibility as members of the city to advocate for better services and institutional safety.  Encouragement...

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Advertising drinking online is a slippery slope

Tilt and Facebook can be great ways to advertise and collect funds for events, but students should be careful as the use of these platforms for organizing and charging for parties becomes increasingly popular.  Let’s be honest: students party and this isn’t going to change anytime soon. But what most...

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Good riddance Gosselin

When it was announced that Kate Gosselin’s reality show, Kate Plus 8, had finally been cancelled by TLC, I was relieved by the news. Gosselin turned this once lovable show about the chaos of raising twins and sextuplets into a 30-minute whine about her struggles as a single mother. Quite frankly,...

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