Tag: S&M

S&M: Maybe Carrie and maybe Charlotte

It feels like we only started this journey yesterday, but here we are at the close of this sexy chapter of our lives. Writing this column was never something we thought we’d be doing in our undergrad, but we’re grateful for the opportunity that The Journal gave us to get to connect with the Queen’s...

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Dating Apps: “How do I send out the right signals?”

“Dear S&M, how do I actually meet a nice boy to date on dating apps like tinder or bumble? Everyone I match with seems to only have a one-time hookup on their mind, but I’m not that kind of girl! Am I giving off the wrong signal or something?”  —You’ve got mail   Dear You’ve got mail, Like real...

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Back to the basics: “How do I ask a cute guy out?”

Dear S&M:  There’s this really good-looking guy in my tutorial that I’ve been waiting to ask me out all year. He still hasn’t even though we’ve been flirting and talking all year… Should I ask him out or will that make me look weird? Do guys even like it when girls ask them out? — Sadie...

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