Tag: Smartphones

Are our phones listening to us?

The idea that everyone with an electronic device is under surveillance has circled mainstream society since George Orwell’s 1984. Though Orwell’s novel is fiction, hyper-tailored social media ads suggest our phones may be listening to us almost as much as Big Brother. One of the most prominent...

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Apps to stay on track

With the beginning of another school year comes a new course load and more responsibilities. Comparmentalizing your tasks and prioritizing various responsibilities may seem like a challenge after the slow pace of summer, but these five free applications will bring about organization and productivity...

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Rules of digital engagement

We’re all guilty of allowing ourselves to be held hostage by smartphones, Facebook and Twitter. It’s a sad reality that social media and the ever-present devices of digital culture prevent us from real-life socializing. If we accept that we’re willing to be slaves to social media, then knowing the...

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