Tag: snacks

Homemade protein bars

New year, new you. You’ve figured out how to swipe your student card at the ARC and you’re braving the treadmill line. You might even consider opening the petrifying doors to the lifting zone.  But while you might be working off that winter weight, your muscles need an adequate protein supply to recover...

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What’s in your bag?

The contents of someone’s purse can say a lot about a person. In that case, I’d be considered a hot mess.  Amongst the crumbled receipts, gum wrappers and expired gift cards, lies what I like to call my PEK: my performance enhancing kit. And as I stare at the contents poured out on my desk, I can...

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An easy appetizer: Cranberry baked brie

With the Christmas season being quickly thrust upon us, I knew that I needed something easy, delicious and comforting to serve as an appetizer when I invited my friends over for a savoury dinner. I wanted to stray away from the boring cheese slices, a variety of deli meats and crackers and bread...

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Festive squash hummus

It’s officially fall now, and with Thanksgiving arriving shortly, I figured the season occasioned a festive hummus recipe. Succulent and high in fibre, butternut squash is arguably one of the best things about fall. You can use any winter squash, but I chose butternut squash because, there’s nothing...

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Healthy office snacks

By Jessica Chong Blogs Editor With almost every type of food establishment surrounding my workplace, I’m usually more inclined to eat out. When packing snacks for the office, I’ve found the presentation of food plays a significant role in my willingness to curb food spending. Cubicle life nearly jeopardized...

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Steer Clear of the Summer 15

So you think you survived the Freshman 15? Well, meet its counterpart: the Summer 15. Though cafeteria food may be behind us, summertime has its fair share of indulgences. Be it BBQs, nightly ice-cream trips, camp food, or patio drinks (alcoholic or not), summer can be equally challenging for maintaining...

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