Tag: Standardized Testing

Standardized testing a rigged game

Test scores that make or break entrance to graduate programs give an unfair leg up to privileged students. Most Canadian post-grad professional programs require a score from a standardized test, be it the LSAT, MCAT, GMAT or GRE. It makes sense why graduate schools want to establish a base line proficiency...

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University admission test a non-starter

Canadian universities shouldn’t institute an admissions test; doing so would simply add additional hurdles and stress, particularly for students from low-income backgrounds. An editorial published last Thursday in the Globe and Mail entitled “Why top Canadian universities should add an admissions...

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Grade market unethical

An article published in the Toronto Star on Sunday Sept.18, “Student questions marks from a high school ‘credit mill’ ” examined accredited private high schools that dole out high marks in exchange for payment. The example institution, TCT High School, was accused of rewarding students with high marks...

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