Tag: Stephen Harper

A conservative on campus

When I told people I was supporting former Prime Minister Stephen Harper in the 2015 federal election in—my first year at Queen’s and first time voting—I was met with silence.  Most of my peers favoured Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. Stating my desire to support the Conservatives left me with the...

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Barbaric practices mirrored

Timing and wording is everything in identity politics. To help enforce Canada’s Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act, the Conservatives have proposed an RCMP tip line for reporting incidences of “barbaric cultural practices.” This Act establishes legal protection for non-consenting adults...

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Islamaphobia is more than veil-deep

While many Canadians believe Islamophobia only happens elsewhere to other people, members of my family are shaving their beards and folding away their hijabs.   I was sitting in a lecture last year when the topic of Islamic empires arose. A girl sitting next to me scoffed. “It’s backwards,” she leaned...

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Confront the closing of Canadian citizenship

The burgeoning Canadian identity is something to be concerned about. In comparison to the political fervour generated by Bill C-51 — the Anti-terrorism Act — Bill C-24 slipped quietly under the radar into legislation on June 20, 2014 and came into effect earlier this year.  Bill C-24 allows dual citizens...

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Acclaimed authors talk freedom of expression

The muzzling of free press, the dismissal of media and the act of writing as activism were topics of a Kingston WritersFest discussion on Friday night. The panel event, entitled “Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Act”, was one of over 50 events taking place last weekend. The events are part of Kingston’s...

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Niqab ban undermines “tolerance”

Attempts to ban the niqab at Canadian citizenship ceremonies have shed light on the flawed values “multiculturalism” is based on. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has opposed the niqab being worn during these ceremonies, saying they’re not “transparent” and are “rooted in a culture that is anti-women”. Conservative...

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Bill breaches basic rights

Two contributors discuss their concerns with Bill C-51, proposed by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government. The Bill was released to the public on Jan. 30, aiming to increase the jurisdiction of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and giving the federal government the ability to remove...

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Damaging decisions

Miriam Bart, ArtSci ’15 Stephen Harper’s Conservative government has effectively damaged Canada’s peacekeeping reputation by pulling the country into another war. The Prime Minister has achieved this by distancing Canada from the United Nations (UN) and making decisions without sufficient understanding...

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Scary Stephen

Stephen Harper is no stranger to the politics of fear, a strategy he’s effectively used to his advantage. His goal is to make voters fearful of the economic consequences if he’s voted out of office. The results of British Columbia’s general election on May 14 are one example of the realities that...

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