Tag: stigma

Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself

When I was a child, I was “solemn.” When I was a teenager, I was “temperamental.” After my second year of university, I was diagnosed with depression. Using coded language to discuss mental illness does more harm than good. Initially, it may have been a comfort for those around me to use vague and...

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Bell, let's talk

My father has passed down many wonderful things that to me: my red hair that’s never quite straight or curly; my sarcastic sense of humour that has a tendency to get me into trouble; my knack for making small talk with just about anyone.  But there are also some things that my dad passed on to me...

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Support needed for abortion patients

Barriers to abortion and support for young women are still shockingly present in Kingston. There are roughly 275 abortions each day in Canada, according to uOttawa, and  about 50 per cent of women who choose to have these procedures are under 25. Considering abortions are so common, as I see the throngs...

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Talk about it — period

The discomfort menstruation evokes speaks to greater issues of muted conversations on health. The McGill Daily published a feature in their Oct. 27 issue titled “A Bloody Shame”, which examined the stigma surrounding menstruation and the revulsion it can inspire. Although the feature didn’t provide...

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The stigma of the silent

I’ll confess: I enjoy being alone. I like to recharge in my room — my sanctuary, my haven — and snuggle right into that cotton cocoon I call my bed with a book or two. Despite this feature that goes to the very core of who I am, I’m typically described as outgoing and sociable. I still remember in...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: Eating disorder recovery

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle featured personal stories from Queen’s student each day from Oct. 6-10. We’ll be continuing the initiative throughout the year with more stories. If you’re interested in submitting a story, please email journal_lifestyle@ams.queensu.ca. WARNING:...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: Depression and therapy

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle is featuring personal stories from Queen’s student each day from Oct. 6-10. We will be continuing the initiative throughout the year with monthly stories. If you’re interested in submitting a story, please email journal_lifestyle@ams.queensu.ca. We’re...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: Time to talk

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle is featuring personal stories from Queen’s students each day from Oct. 6-10. We’ll be continuing the initiative throughout the year with monthly stories. If you’re interested in submitting a story, please email journal_lifestyle@ams.queensu.ca. When...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: Eating disorder support

WARNING: This piece talks about eating disorders and may be triggering for some readers.As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle is featuring personal stories from Queen’s students each day from Oct. 6-10. We’lll be continuing the initiative throughout the year with monthly stories. If...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: Destigmatizing depression

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle is featuring personal stories from Queen’s students each day from Oct. 6-10. We’ll be continuing the initiative throughout the year with monthly stories. If you’re interested in submitting a story, please email journal_lifestyle@ams.queensu.ca. No...

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Queen’s faces of mental illness: MIAW 2014

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, Lifestyle is featuring personal stories from Queen’s students each day from Oct. 6-10. We’ll be continuing the initiative throughout the year with monthly stories. If you’re interested in submitting a story, please email journal_lifestyle@ams.queensu.ca. A...

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Speak loud

Every morning when I get up, I go to the bathroom. I eat breakfast. I brush my teeth. And then I pour a glass of water, find my pillbox and take a pill containing 100mg of sertraline, better known by its trade name: Zoloft. I started taking Zoloft right before second-year to deal with severe anxiety,...

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Rethink the degree

Rather than focus on whether a three-year undergraduate degree is better or worse than a four-year degree, we need to turn our attention to how those years are being spent and to what end. There’s a serious issue of ambiguity within the Canadian postsecondary education system. Unlike other countries,...

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Mental training

Helping a friend battle a mental illness is easier said than done. You’ve gone through all the motions that every anti-stigma campaign has encouraged you to do. This friend now feels comfortable enough to tell you that they are having a difficult time — they might even say they don’t want to live...

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