Tag: StuCons

News: Year in Review 2015-16

This year The Journal’s news section covered a variety of topics ranging from academic freedom to Bieber Fever. The following is a collection of the news highlights from the year. Professor’s academic freedom violated, report finds: June 2, 2015 In April 2015 the Canadian Association of University...

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Student fee policy leaves StuCons hanging

Democracy is usually the best policy, but the AMS shot themselves in the foot when they made referendums the only avenue for passing fees. This year, the AMS changed policy so that student activity fee increases no longer have the option to be debated and passed through an Annual General Assembly...

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Rejected fee adds to StuCon troubles

A taxing work environment makes Student Constables one of the most difficult AMS jobs to recruit for. And a dwindling salary incentive, drawn into focus during an unsuccessful campaign to raise their mandatory student fee, isn’t helping. Realities of the Job Queen’s Student Constables often face aggressive...

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