Tag: Studying

Steps to stay motivated for the rest of the term

The second half of the academic term is always stressful. The strain of final essays, projects, and tests can start to weigh on us, giving us no choice but to buckle down and work harder than ever. This makes it the perfect time to set goals for the rest of the semester. Making goals can help us stay...

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How to kick start your fall work ethic

While the start of the fall semester is a perfect opportunity to set academic goals, the lingering summer heat makes finding the motivation to buckle down and focus a serious challenge.  When given the chance to catch up with friends, explore downtown Kingston and tan at the pier, cracking open textbooks...

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Savvy saving on textbooks

Like many university students, I have approximately 40 cents to my name, and textbooks have a price tag that makes my heart skip a beat (or five). Thankfully, I’ve found a way to be sale savvy; I haven’t paid full price for a textbook this year, and I don’t plan on doing so ever again. Below are my...

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Get real about your goals

Have you ever started a diet or exercise program, but didn’t stick with it? Or set out after your goals with the best intentions, but failed to keep the momentum going? We all know how to be productive, get our work done, exercise and eat healthy, yet we’re not any closer to achieving our goals than...

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Make A (Realistic) Study Schedule

By Trilby Goouch Blogs Editor Summer seems just steps away but before you’re able to get to that you still to have to get through a little thing called exams. The exam experience can seriously vary depending on your study approach; I know first hand the power of planning ahead. As a schedule-fiend,...

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