Tag: Supreme Court

Supreme Court denies Indigenous peoples treaty rights

The Supreme Court of Canada’s sustained denial of Indigenous treaty rights is regressive and harmful—but it’s not surprising.   Last week, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 against an Albertan First Nation’s claim that the federal government must consult Indigenous communities on omnibus bills affecting...

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Why Brett Kavanaugh got appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court

This article discusses sexual assault and may be triggering for some readers. The Journal uses “survivor” to refer to those who have experienced sexual assault. We acknowledge this term is not universal. Brett Kavanaugh, a man accused of multiple counts of sexual assault, has been appointed to a lifetime...

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Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin visits Queen’s

Queen’s Law hosted Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Beverley McLachlin in Wallace Hall on Nov. 20 as part of the ongoing Principal’s Forum Speaker Series.  The Principal’s Forum is a public lecture series that has been taking place on Queen’s campus since 2012. The series allows the principal to...

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Canadians need an Indigenous Supreme Court Judge

On Dec. 15, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has the opportunity to choose an Indigenous judge for the Supreme Court of Canada. Unfortunately, the likelihood of such a historic appointment remains uncertain because of a bilingual language requirement still in place. The bilingual requirement for Supreme...

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Court rules right on sex work

On Dec. 20, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down three laws governing activities surrounding sex work. One law made it illegal to operate a brothel, another made it illegal to “live off the avails” of sex work and a third made it illegal for sex workers to communicate in public with clients. The...

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Fair dealing protected at Queen's

“I made it, so I control it.” Whether this statement is repulsive or attractive to you, it’s probably the way you understand the logic of copyright. But according to the Supreme Court, in five major cases handed down in July, and according to the Parliament of Canada, in Bill C-11, passed in June,...

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