Tag: : talking heads

Talking Heads: What makes a lecture worth attending?

“Walking away with more knowledge than when you came in.” Jessica Grennan, ConEd ’21 “If you’re honestly interested in what the professor has to say, and the professor can keep people captivated.” Fahmida Hossain, ArtSci ’21 “The lecturer. If they can present something that’s more meaningful...

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Talking Heads: What will Queen's look like in 2050?

“Hopefully unchanged, but with more buildings for more students.” Melissa Wong, Comm ’22 “Way more technologically forward. We may not even physically go to class anymore.” Sarah Lewis, ArtSci ’22 “Deserted from the climate crisis.” Olivia Haynes, Comm...

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Talking Heads: What takes less time than voting?

“Getting ready today.” Camilo Sebastian & Marcus Davis, ArtSci ’22 “Brushing your teeth.” Thomas, Information Officer at Elections Canada “Getting coffee from The Brew.” Fred Hook, ArtSci ’21 “I don’t know, that was really quick.”...

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Talking heads: Are you still doing your New Year's Resolution

“Taking my time to paint, and yes, I do it everyday.” Danika Bertrand, Comm ‘20 “No electronics in bed, and I broke it January 1.” Alex Green, ArtSci ’18 “I don’t have one. Just to be the best human being, and I’m sticking to it.” Evan Sambasivam, ArtSci ‘18 “No, I was supposed to write something...

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Talking heads: What would you tell your first year self?

“Save your flex dollars for exam season” Carson O’Sullivan ArtSci ‘18 “Get involved in extra curricular activities and be patient. Four years will go by fast.” Samuel Fumat ArtSci ‘18 “You are not the only one who feels a little lonely. Put yourself out there and you will find your people.” Jaedie...

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Talking Heads: What are your St. Patrick's Day?

“Going to some club at  night if we’re not already dead.” Emily Saar & Natalie Mangialardi, ConEd ’19    “Aberdeen and drinking with some friends.” Lexi Campbell, ArtSci ’19   “I’m hoping to not fall off a roof somewhere.” Jasmit DeSaffel, ArtSci ’17   “I don’t go here but I’m here for it.” Nicolas...

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Talking Heads: What are your Reading Week plans?

“Heading to France to visit my boyfriend.” Jackie Ji, ArtSci ’17   “Seeing cousins in Waterloo and then going to Niagara.” Parnam Boparai, ArtSci ’19   “I’m spending the first weekend in New York.” Emily Beebe, ArtSci ’19   “Going home and sleeping.”  Matt Cooper, Comm ’17    

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Talking Heads: Who is your ideal celebrity valentine?

“Beyoncé. You get three valentines for one.” Shreeya Thakar, ArtSci ’17   “Wow, so many pretty people…Chris Pratt.” Samantha Rivas, ArtSci ’20   “Seth Rogan or Snoop Dogg.” Tiffany Tsilker, ArtSci ’20   “It doesn’t even need to be romantic, but Ellen DeGeneres.”  Kevin Laporte, ArtSci ’...

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Talking Heads: Thoughts on Week 11?

“It’s Week 11 …” Makenzie Mackay, ArtSci ’17   “Thank god it’s almost Christmas.” Tamika Myskiw, ArtSci ’19   “I like what I’m doing so the stress is manageable.” Zarah Suficienca, ConEd ’17   “…” Christopher...

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