Tag: thank you letter

Thank You Letter: The beginning of spring

When I stepped outside on the first official day of spring and felt a beam of sunlight warm my face, I knew things were looking up. Spring represents rebirth, hope, and love—any first-year English student can tell you that. It’s my favourite season because it’s a swift and much-needed transition away...

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Thank You Letter: Strong female friendships

As I’ve ventured through university, my appreciation for strong friendships between women has continued to grow.  I can confidently say that I’ve benefitted—especially in my second year at Queen’s—from being surrounded by women who genuinely care about each other. They’ve provided me the opportunity...

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Thank You Letter: My attentive parents

As I approach the end of my university degree, I’m constantly filled with a huge sense of accomplishment. “In two months, I’ll be a university graduate,” I obnoxiously tell myself at least once a week. In my head, the piece of paper I’ll hold in about two months signifying my graduation will be something...

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Thank You Letter: A non-news article

The news section at The Queen’s Journal owns my soul. As an Assistant News Editor, every week I write anything from two to five articles. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I’m also thankful for this opportunity not to write a news article. For this article, I didn’t have to interview anyone or spend...

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Thank You Letter: My grade 12 history teacher

It’s hard to find a person who’s not had their life changed—at least somewhat—by one of their high school teachers.  More often than not, a teacher will burst into a classroom with so much enthusiasm and wisdom they’ll leave a lasting impression on students, while making school a little more bearable. But...

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Thank You Letter: Canada Post

In high school, my father told me that everyone wins the lottery once in their lifetime. If that’s true, I’ll never score a million dollars on a scratch ticket because I hit the jackpot with my family.  Unfortunately, my family is spread out across the globe, from Thunder Bay to Wichita to Edinburgh....

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Thank You Letter: The Jonas Brothers reunion

Last Friday, The Jonas Brothers reunited after six years with the release of their upbeat bop, “Sucker.” Back in the mid-2000s, during the band’s prime, I would’ve scoffed at the thought of appreciating new music from the JoBros. Today, I’ll crank up the volume whenever their songs pop up on Spotify. When...

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Thank You Letter: Apple Music's vast library

Nothing brings me more joy than listening to music. I’ve never had a knack for playing instruments and my vocal range is limited to the “Cha-Cha Slide,” but my true skill is being able to listen to music at all times of the day. Even though I enjoy a wide range of genres, my music knowledge from childhood...

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