Tag: Thanksgiving

Staff picks: Quirky Thanksgiving stories

Returning home for Thanksgiving means turkey, cool weather, and awkward family moments. The Journal’s staff recount their quirkiest holiday stories: I was at my aunt’s for Thanksgiving during second year, and my family had all had a sufficient amount to drink. We’d finished dinner, and my triplet...

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Thanksgiving by the dashboard view

While other families spent the Thanksgiving weekend seated at a table, my dad and I sat together in a car and drove 3,500 kilometres. My grandparents on my father’s side were holding a family reunion in honour of both their birthdays and their 60th wedding anniversary in Edmonton during the Thanksgiving...

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How to deal: going home for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It calls for a Monday of no class, lots of home cooked food and the chance to reunite with some long distance friends. While catching up with your cool aunt and destroying three servings of mashed potatoes, there may come some moments that make you long for...

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How to give the perfect Thanksgiving toast

Every Thanksgiving, members of my family are put on the spot as we go around and give thanks, toasting to the fun, sad and exciting news of the past year. If you’re anything like me, an undergraduate student who is still attempting to avoid adulthood and responsibilities and horrified by familial...

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Thanksgiving special: apple pie with a twist

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re onto the next big thing in baking. A creative idea like no other; an apple pie baked inside of an apple. That’s right, take a moment to recover from the shock of the pure genius of the idea. Not only adorable and functional, this recipe has a perfect autumn...

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The turkey dump phenomenon

There once was a boy. Let’s call him Quinn. He was smitten with a girl — let’s call her Mackenzie. Long story short, they spend a wonderful grade 12 year together, supporting each other through university application stress and extracurricular mania. They’re happy. After a summer of long lifeguarding...

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A very cranberry Thanksgiving

Nothing says Thanksgiving more than a table full of meals scattered with cancer-fighting, infection-preventing little berries — cranberries, that is. This tiny soldier berry packs a punch. Cranberry has tons of vitamin C, which helps fight infections, and antioxidants, which protect cells from unstable...

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A gluttony-free Thanksgiving

Ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you I’m no Martha Stewart. Sticking my hand into the carcass of a bird wasn’t my idea of a fun Wednesday night, but I did it in preparation for hosting my first Thanksgiving dinner party this weekend. I started with a test: five recipes, dozens of ingredients...

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Gluttony is more than a deadly sin

Two men were recently banned from an all-you-can-eat buffet in the U.K. for eating too much. According to the Telegraph, the manager feared his restaurant was going to go out of business because of the patrons. It’s a case that’s brought up questions about all-you-can-eat culture — how much is too...

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