Tag: the Western Gazette

Campus catch-up

Ryerson: Vegan burger that’s not actually vegan It was revealed this week by The Eyeopener, Ryerson’sstudent paper, that The Ram in the Rye, a Ryerson campus pub, had been serving a vegan quinoa burger that wasn’t actually 100 per cent vegan. The burger, included on the menu in an attempt to accommodate...

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‘No means yes’ response from Western inappropriate

Rape culture on university campuses consists of much more than the act of sexual assault. But when “No means yes and yes means anal,” appeared on a Western student’s off-campus home, the immediate response was to write it off. The words, which were written on a window on a house near Western’s main...

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You’re no Swift, Gazette

Western’s student newspaper showed an incredible lack of judgment in publishing a series of offensive stories last month. In their annual frosh issue, the Western Gazette published articles that encouraged the sexual harassment of teaching assistants, drug use and excessive drinking, causing a wave...

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