Tag: tips

How to bring summer to Queen's

Just because your time away from school is over, and the weather is getting cooler, doesn’t mean you should let the fall blues kick in. Here are four ways for you to keep living out your summer vibes while gearing up for the school year. Keep wearing your summer clothes While the four month break...

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How to get the ‘summer look’ without the beach

According to social media, the arrival of summer means we should all be chilling on a rooftop patio, tanning on a beach, travelling around the world or lounging at a cottage.  But this isn’t really the reality for most university students.  In truth, most students are just as busy during the summer...

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How to keep your cool during exams

There’s nothing that sucks all life and happiness out of you quite like tirelessly studying for weeks on end. With exam season fast-approaching, this probably won’t be the first time you hear this, but, despite it all, you should make sure to take care of yourself. Sleep right, eat well and get some...

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Winter beauty trends & tips

Gone are the days of naturally bronzed skin and lightened hair. As the temperature drops, your beauty routine becomes a little less effortless and your skin requires a little more TLC than in those warm summer months. Here are some of my favourite tricks and trends to keep your skin glowing and healthy.   Switch...

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I woke up like this

The morning after is often a sensitive time for a woman. It can be hard enough to look your best when you wake up in your own home, where you have everything you need. But if you’re waking up somewhere else, there are a few essentials that you can pack away in your purse, so you’ll look and feel beautiful...

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How to dress for success

As a Film and Media student, my business casual style isn’t as innate as a Commerce student. Just hearing the words “business casual” makes me a little uneasy. Fortunately, I’ve managed to pick up some handy tips about how you should dress for a business casual event, such as an interview, conference...

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Cheers to healthier drinking

With the peak drinking season upon us — Homecoming and Halloween are a week apart — our livers aren’t in the best condition.   But it doesn’t have to be that way.  There’s this amazing thing called “balance”, which we students should look for in our academic and social lives. It allows you to engage...

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Shake up your shake

Have a busy morning ahead? Forget about the coffee and doughnuts (well, maybe not the coffee) and instead try the filling, but healthier option of a smoothie. Smoothies are a thick, smooth drink of fresh fruit pureed with milk, yogurt or ice cream. While this combination often creates delicious concoctions...

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Sound suggestions for solid sleeps

Some people are just better sleepers than others. We all have that one friend who can drop into a doze with a group of people chattering around them, the friend who’s asleep five minutes after takeoff on the plane and the one who sets five alarms before a morning exam (one of them being a phone call...

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Savvy saving on textbooks

Like many university students, I have approximately 40 cents to my name, and textbooks have a price tag that makes my heart skip a beat (or five). Thankfully, I’ve found a way to be sale savvy; I haven’t paid full price for a textbook this year, and I don’t plan on doing so ever again. Below are my...

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Don't sweat it

While the beginning of summer promises the latest style trends, grabbing drinks with old friends and taking frequent vacations to the cottage, it also promises the one thing we all loathe: sweat. While sweat isn’t a bad thing when you’re working hard at the gym or between the sheets with your partner,...

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Tip your server

I watched the two men I was serving pass the debit machine back and forth, talking in what they thought was a whisper. “Option three, right?” “Yeah, no tip.” I was crushed. Without the tips of these men, my total tips from what was already a dead shift wouldn’t match my daily goal. A hard lesson I...

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Eat This Not That: Healthy Baking Substitutions

By Trilby Goouch Blogs Editor There’s a common misconception that eating baked goods such as cookies or brownies will make you ‘fat’; granted, the majority of recipes out there aren’t very forgiving on the waistline (hello cups of butter, shortening, sugar and chocolate). There are, however, many...

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Exchange Diaries: Preparing For Your Exchange

By Jonny Klynkramer (ArtSci ’ 14) Staff Writer Here are a few things I wish somebody had told me before I left for India: • Travel, travel, travel: Even if it’s just day trips to nearby cities or unexplored places in your city, do it. Take full advantage of holidays, long weekends, class trips,...

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