Tag: to

Letters to the Editor

Queen’s should be “for” vaccines Dear editors, As deeply concerned as I am that a professor has been allowed to teach misinformation regarding vaccines to students since 2011, I’m also quite disappointed to read Provost Alan Harrison’s comments on the issue in the Toronto Star article “Students...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, The purpose of my writing this article is to explain that sexual assault is extremely prevalent, with one in four women and one in 10 men at risk of being sexually assaulted at least once in their lives. From the societal norms which we have instilled within our minds behind how the length...

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Letter to the Editor

RE: Damaging Decisions Dear Editor, I was disappointed with Miriam Bart’s column “Damaging Decisions”, published on October 9, 2014. The author insinuates that the Prime Minister is supposedly an ineffectual global pariah on international relations. On the contrary, this Prime Minister has only initiated...

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Letter to the Editor

Re:No stance is the wrong stance In response to your article entitled “No Stance is the Wrong Stance,” I would like to give my two cents on the role the SGPS takes as a student organization and their response to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I feel the Journal has become short sighted...

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Letters to the Editor

Men’s mental health needs more attention Until very recently, I had been operating as an undiagnosed manic-depressive. As as a direct consequence, I have a year of straight Fs on my transcript, little in the way of on-paper accomplishments, and even had to take a year off from school. I consider myself...

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Letter to the editor — May 27

Hudak will hurt affordable education for students When I first decided to pursue my degree at Queen’s University, I knew it would be an expensive endeavor. But, I also knew that I could trust the government to guarantee my four years were both affordable and high-quality. That’s why this election,...

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Letters to the Editor — April 3

Stand up for your rights As men and women, feminists and Queen’s alumni, we write to you today to lend our solidarity and support to those who speak up for human rights, which include women’s rights. We stand beside you and defend your right to voice your opinion on campus without fear of retaliation....

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Letters to the Editor

The recent invitation and visit of a professor popular for her antifeminist views to our campus has given us cause to reflect upon the misinformed and divisive conversations that increasingly circulate on university campuses around what it means to take up and wear the label feminist. The invitation...

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Letters to the Editor

Track and field left in the dust Hello, I am a first-year Cross-Country and Track and Field athlete, and frequent reader of the Journal, but I am writing to you today with regards to my massive disappointment and frustration with the latest edition of the Queen’s Journal (March 14th). It is...

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Letters to the Editor

Two egregious fallacies made their way into last Friday’s (Sept 21) edition of The Journal. As a devoted professor of logic, it would be remiss of me not to correct them. The first occurs in the following passage from the front page article “Queen’s Criticized: University violated academic freedom,...

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Letter to the Editors

Dear Editors, Queen’s students are proud to belong to their university. It is indeed a wonderful institution with great professors, great friendships and great times. I am a Kingston citizen who walks through the campus to work at Queen’s and I would like to ask students to ensure they have a great...

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Letters to the editor

Dear editors, As a design and development specialist with some 33 years international experience followed by over 20 years as an adjunct associate professor in the Chemical Engineering Department, I am quite disappointed in the decision to curtail the Fine Arts program. Design is the quintessential...

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Letters to the Editors

A vote for students A Liberal government will provide students with thousands of dollars to help them stay out of debt and give all students, regardless of income, a shot at university. With the “Learning Passport” program, Michael Ignatieff has made it his priority to make university life easier....

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