Tag: TRC

In conversation with new associate vice-principal Kanonhsyonne

Following the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Report the university has created the position of associate vice-principal of Indigenous Initiatives.  Kanonhsyonne (Janice Hill), previously the director of Indigenous unitiatives, has been selected to fill the position, effective as of...

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Performance makes Truth and Reconciliation local

Reconciliation will be taking center stage at the Cantabile Choir performance this weekend.  The choir will be hosting the North Star performance at The Spire on Nov. 3, 2018 to address truth and reconciliation in Canada.  Featuring The Children’s Choir, Young Women, Young Men, Men’s Choir and Women’s Chorus...

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Students & staff respond to TRC & PICRDI reports

After reviewing final reports released by two of the University’s most recently developed committees, the Queen’s community met on October 11 to share their thoughts on issues of equity, diversity and Indigenous inclusion on campus. Students, staff and faculty were invited to Mackintosh-Corry Hall...

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Senate Recap: October 3

This Wednesday marked the first Senate meeting of the 2017-18 academic year. At the meeting, senators discussed developments from the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Task Force, the Principal’s Implementation Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (PICRDI) and enrollment statistics. Principal’s Report Principal...

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