Tag: universities

In defense of boring lectures

Disliking a room packed with 200 people at 8:30 a.m. is no reason to give up on lectures.    Over the course of university, lecture sizes dwindle from as large as 500 to as small as 50, and seminars, tutorials and labs take precedence. During that time, students learn to deride lectures for their...

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UOttawa protects campus through student government scrap

When a student government breaches trust, it’s up to the university to protect its students. In September, the University of Ottawa terminated its relationship with the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) after allegations of misappropriated funds were revealed. A police report filed...

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LGBTQ+ students facing debt deserve university support

As LGBTQ+ students face disproportionate student debt in Canada, it’s up to universities to support them in their struggles.    Forum Research has conducted the first Canadian survey on student debt accounting for sexual orientation, and it’s revealed LGBTQ+ students are more likely to rack up student...

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Liberal arts programs need to be protected at universities

It shouldn’t take students launching a protest for universities to recognize there’s more value in studying liberal arts than pennies and dimes.  At the University of Wisconsin at Steven’s Point, the school’s administration has proposed they drop 13 majors in the humanities and social sciences so...

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Conservative professors aren’t held back at universities

Conservative leaning professors may be a minority on university campuses, but they don’t face real discrimination in their workplace.  In a New York Times article by Arthur C. Brooks, president of the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute, argues that professors who hold conservative...

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Revitalizing a dated education system

How often do you sit in class and hear something that sparks your curiosity, but you’re afraid to ask about it in fear that your question may be considered off topic or besides the point? This was a common narrative for me throughout my education. I remember asking questions about why we were learning...

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Fines are fine

Library fines aren’t the most serious financial barrier university students have to face. The University of Sheffield in England has decided to stop levying fines for overdue library books. Instead, they’ll implement an automatic renewal system, where students are allowed to keep a book until someone...

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Education not just about efficiency

Directing Ontario universities to specialize could introduce some efficiencies to our post-secondary education system. It could also allow some Ontario schools to push boundaries in their areas of expertise. But we can’t forget about the mission of the system as a whole – to provide a comprehensive...

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Students critically need thinking skills

Patrick Baud , MA ’14 In mid-September, Ontario’s Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, Brad Duguid, sent a draft policy to the province’s colleges and universities that, if adopted, would require them to focus attention on their high-performing programs and abandon low-performing ones. Performance...

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