Tag: video

Facing our fears in float therapy

Josh: In high school, I had nightmares where I was horrifyingly buried alive.  A few years later, I was asking Kingston’s Immerse Spa to drop me into a pitch-black sensory deprivation tank. You can imagine my internal shock. Immerse Spa specializes in float therapy, where you lie in a closed pod that...

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Queen’s baseball team’s spontaneous cameo in new music video

Country rockers and Queen’s alum, The Abrams, premiered a music video for their hit single ‘Champion’ on Oct. 27, featuring a familiar backdrop.  Filmed in the brothers’ hometown of Kingston, the music video tells stories of individual hardships and heroism.   “The idea to have storylines about community...

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Men, we answered your questions about periods

We all know about Aunt Flo. You know, the Crimson Wave; Shark Week. That thing half the population gets, but remains a mystery to the rest. I’m talking periods — that time of the month, not the punctuation. We gave Journal men the option to submit any questions they have about menstruation. Surprisingly,...

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Week critique

I consider Frosh Week a highlight of the school year, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Four years ago, my first week on campus was transformative. I made close friends in my frosh group – one of whom became my housemate for two years – and my Gaels helped me feel at home immediately. Unfortunately, not...

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Defining Darcys

With nowhere quiet to go, we ended up in a chair-filled stairwell in the basement of the Mansion. The Darcys’ Jason Couse and Wes Marskell huddled in their coats during our interview last Friday night before their headlining show. Couse and Marskell have been friends since they were 10 years old,...

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Sushi roll how-to

Journal staff Terra Arnone and Justin Chin show you how to make sushi roll. Servings: 50 pieces of sushi Preparation time: 30 minutes Ingredients 10 sheets of dried seaweed 1 package of flaked crab meat 2 avocados 4 cups of short-grain rice ½ cup Japanese rice vinegar Soya sauce Wasabi Equipment Bamboo...

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Thanksgiving Turkey

Journal Editor in Chief Jake Edmiston shows you how he prepares a Thanksgiving turkey. Camera: Justin Chin Editor: Justin Chin Queen’s Journal © 2011

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Easy eating: making food in bulk

Between waiting in line to buy textbooks and balancing a social life with 8:30 a.m. classes, we already have enough on our minds during the first week back on campus. The last thing we want to worry about is a well-balanced meal. One way to ease ourselves back into the kitchen is cooking in bulk cook....

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