Tag: video games

The game of 2020 is finally ‘Among Us’

This year, many of us have spent more time on video calls with friends than ever before. But when you’re confined to your homes, there’s not much to do but float awkward chit chat and retread the same old topics of conversation. If you want to drive discord into the heart of your friendships and add...

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FIFA 16 makes an overdue stride forward

Celebrating EA Sports’ inclusion of female teams in FIFA 16 is somewhat like praising a broom for sweeping: acknowledging the presence of remarkable female athletes shouldn’t have taken this long. That being said, the franchise’s decision to finally join us in the 21st century is promising for the...

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Virtual therapy for children

Exercise video game Fit ‘n’ Fun was created to help children with cerebral palsy simultaneously exercise and socialize. A Queen’s team involved in the program’s development says preliminary tests are complete. Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects brain function, decreasing motor control. According...

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