Team DDP new ResSoc exec

Screams of surprise and happiness filled the room in Victoria Hall after Feodor Snagvosky, Chief Electoral Officer, along with the other members of the election team and current MCRC exec, announced to Team DDP that they had won the first-ever Residence Society election.

“My heart is beating triple time,” President-elect Hasina Daya said.

“I feel like we’re being punked,” said Vice-President-elect of Judicial Affairs Chantal D’souza with a laugh.

Katie Preisner, vice-president of residential affairs-elect, was the only quiet member of the team who held her face in her hands as she absorbed the news.

“We’re ready to turn a new page in residence history,” Preisner said.

The newly-formed Residence Society marks the amalgamation of the Main Campus Residents Council and Jean Royce Hall Council.

DDP beat teams YSO and PAS for the positions.

“We didn’t really know what to expect (for the results),” YSO’s presidential candidate Dorothy Yu said, “But I think we ran a clean, very innovative and creative campaign.”

“I’m glad I did this.” Selene Lopez, PAS’ Vice-President of Residential Affairs candidate said. “Props to the (winning team); they have a lot of passion and they will do a good job.”

Team DDP plans to have a celebratory breakfast in the morning.


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