Team FAM brings experience to Residence Society election

This year, Residence Society elections will see a team bringing their past experiences from within the society to the table.

Team FAM consists of Presidential candidate Andrea Colasanti, ArtSci ’19, Vice-President of Residential Affairs candidate Jane Mao, ArtSci ’20 and Vice-President of Judicial Affairs candidate Kyesha Fong, ArtSci ’20. The three believe their current and past positions in ResSoc have prepared them for executive roles.

“FAM is the experience team. That’s what we’re running on,” Colasanti told The Journal.

To revamp how ResSoc works and interacts with students, team FAM has prepared a six-point plan. One of their major focuses is increasing the society’s visibility and approachability.

“Many students are not aware of the functions of the Residence Society, so [we want] to increase awareness of who we are and what we do,” Colasanti said. According to her, the team would do this through an e-newsletter as well as having more consistent office hours.

All three candidates have extensive experience working within ResSoc and believe this will help them increase awareness of the society on campus.

Mao wants to use her past experiences to change the society for the future. She currently works as the House President for Gordon-Brockington house and is the chair of ResSoc’s Constitutional Affairs and Ethics Committee.

“There are [executive] and policy changes that I would like to see for incoming house presidents and RFs,” Mao said. “I really like the society and I want [it] to do better, so I hope to contribute to that.”

Fong said her experience as an RF and scribe for ResSoc not only informed her decision to run, but will be a valuable asset to her if elected.

“I had a lot of fun being an RF this year, it brought up some changes I would like to see in the future, so I would hopefully like to bring those forth and work with other RFs in the future,” Fong said. “I want to be in more contact with them and give them more responsibilities with House Presidents and see them flourish.”

Team FAM’s platform outlines other changes that focus on student life within residence. This includes taking advantage of the front desk service, which currently provides ping pong paddles, pool cues and board games to students. Team FAM hopes to increase these services by providing fitness equipment, such as weights and yoga mats.

One thing they think needs more work is the newly introduced TAM system.

“The TAM system is new this year and we don’t think it is operating as effectively as it could be,” Colasanti said. “So we would like to potentially add more vegan and gluten-free options in the retail locations. In general, more meal plan advocacy is one of our priorities.” 

Elections, ResSoc, TAM

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