Team JDL prepare to take office

Team JDL still can’t believe they’re the incoming AMS executive.

“Until we sit down in the AMS offices with our predecessors and start thinking about hiring, it won’t hit us,” incoming president Doug Johnson said.

On Wednesday night, Johnson, incoming vice-president of university affairs Mira Dineen and incoming vice-president of operations Tristan Lee earned 60 per cent of votes in the first round of preferential voting.

One of the first things the incoming executive will do is hire AMS Council for next year.

In their platform, team JDL said they plan to give Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) more space by reopening the Physical Education Centre (PEC).

Dineen said in the short-term, they want to find spaces in other buildings on campus to allow HCDS expansion.

“What we were thinking is that they could have some space in the JDUC,” she said.

Johnson, ArtSci ’12, added that the goal is to have the extra space for HCDS as soon as possible.

“During exam period, LaSalle is very overloaded, so if we can do that before exam period, we can take pressure off HCDS,” he said.

Another platform point is to open up a salad bar at Common Ground, which the team plans to complete during the summer.

Lee, ArtSci ’12, said he had spoken with Common Ground’s major supplier, Gordon Food Services, to see what ingredients are available.

“The things Common Ground has right now are green peppers, onions and feta and the things we can get are things like chick peas and tofu,” he said.

During the campaign period, the team received criticism from their contenders about the feasibility of their two smartphone application initiatives. One aims to indicate the number of seats left in Stauffer library, and the other allows students in distress to alert Campus Security of their whereabouts.

Dineen, ArtSci ’11, said they have already received a quote from one app developer for the bluelight application.

“The bluelight app will cost about $2,000 and student affairs has said they will pay for it,” she said.

Dineen said the team plans to work on the outreach of the AMS as well.

“We talk about this a lot and every team runs on ‘We’re finally actually going to reach out to students,’” she said. “We’re looking into creating an outreach co-ordinator position.”

Lee said the job would entail creating outreach events across campus throughout the year, which has been difficult this past year.

“When we were speaking with the human resources office and the marketing and communications officers, they all said it’s very difficult for them to work together all the time and plan things out as a trio,” he said.

AMS election, JDL

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