The Journal’s April 2019 horoscopes

It’s the end of the semester and we’re all heading into the rough waters of exam season. It’s fitting that Mercury is in everyone’s favourite water sign, Pisces, bringing a creative and healthy outlook to our intellectual life. Studying is great, but studying mindfully is so much better. 

This doesn’t mean it’s going to be a smooth transition into summer break. Your head may feel cloudy, you might be under emotional stress, and it’ll be easy to get overwhelmed. Listen to your body and accommodate its needs to the best of your ability. If you find yourself becoming a shut-in, reach out to your friends and study with groups for some supportive company. Your education is important, but always put yourself first.

If you find yourself becoming a shut-in, reach out to your friends and study with groups for some supportive company.

For the last time of the academic year, here are this month’s horoscopes based on the sun placement relative to Kingston and your birthday.

ARIES (Mar. 21—Apr. 19)

You’re acting as if the world ends when the year ends. You’re putting too much stock into emotional pursuits and jumping from one exciting idea to the next instead of actually concentrating on anything. Your responsibilities aren’t over yet, so be practical and carry your own weight. 

TAURUS (Apr. 20—May 20)

Go ahead and chase the life you’ve always wanted. You have the magic touch that attracts success and good fortune. Any new endeavours you choose to take now will be very promising in the future. Remember to keep your head on your shoulders to avoid becoming impatient and overindulgent.

GEMINI (May 21—Jun. 21)

The more vulnerable you feel, the more you tend to avoid large commitments and responsibilities. Learn that there’s fun to be had in life outside of playing games. If you ever hope to stabilize your relationships and your finances, your perspective on work has to evolve ASAP.

CANCER (Jun. 22—Jul. 22)

You’ve gotten all caught up in the past again and it’s distracting you from realizing how in control you are right now. It’s time to get real with yourself—are you really going to settle for being second best? You have all the information you need to figure it out.

LEO (Jul. 23—Aug. 22)

Instead of overthinking any situation to the point of obscurity, you should try allowing yourself some time to chill and be direct with your concerns. There’s more than one way to respond to someone who’s disappointed you. Don’t be lazy or overdemanding with your loved ones. 

VIRGO (Aug. 24—Sept. 23)

Someone in your life has been causing you near-constant stress. The fact that they’re as stubborn and opinionated as you are makes them even more annoying. You have to strive harder to stay grounded. Wear earthy tones like olive greens and tans, and respect the limits of your patience.

LIBRA (Sept. 23—Oct. 22)

All the good fortune you attract is karmic payback for the fair and gracious way you treat people. While you’re always willing to stick up for others, this sense of equality doesn’t extend to your own relationships. Don’t stay silent and salty if someone is important to you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23—Nov. 22)

Someone has got you paranoid and assuming the worst, but your own overthinking is really your only enemy. Of course, that spidey sense of yours is almost always right when trouble is coming, but it won’t take the form that you think. Your negativity is unhelpful.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23—Dec. 21) 

You have the same desire today as you do every day: freedom. Either you feel trapped emotionally, or your living space officially seems too small. In any case, sneaking out like a thief is going to deeply hurt a friend. Even if you want to, running away is wrong.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21—Jan. 19)

Anyone can tell just by seeing you in action how cool-headed and responsible you are. But this is merely your daytime persona. When night falls, where do you wish you were? There are realistic ways to live your fantasies. Spring has sprung, and Mother Nature is calling to you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20—Feb. 19)

You are hungry for new knowledge, wild experiences, and the company of people from all walks of life. Yes, all of these things are coming, and you’re ready for them. You only have a bit more study time to go!

PISCES (Feb. 20—Mar. 20)

You’ve been thinking about if you can sustain always having to take the lead in a relationship. You’re also wondering if you have to put up with someone not respecting your personal beliefs, and if your plans and visions just don’t match up. These concerns are legitimate—find someone who really listens to you.

astrology, horoscopes

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