The Journal’s November 2018 horoscopes

This November, Mars is transiting Aquarius, and the increased jolt of energy that comes with it can makes this month a chaotic time for everyone. The way to survive this inner turmoil—and your midterms—is to seize the energy out in the universe to motivate you. Even when you’re exhausted, the universe will give you inner strength to move forward.

With that in mind, using sun placement relative to Kingston and your birthdate, here’s what November may have in store for you.

ARIES (Mar. 21—Apr. 19)

Don’t be too fickle with romance this month. Being direct has always gotten people’s attention in the past, but do you really care who these people are? You don’t need to impress anybody. Keep your head on your shoulders—love comes in many shapes and sizes. 

TAURUS (Apr. 20—May 20)

It’ll be a long, rainy November for you. Before you give up and decide all is lost, give yourself permission to really feel what you’re going through. Even if progress is slow, it’s still progress. If someone takes you for granted, promise yourself that you’ll leave.

GEMINI (May 21—Jun. 21)

Don’t conceal your true feelings with humour. You can’t deal with everything on your own, as much as you’d tell yourself. You’re always everyone else’s crutch, but it’s time you look inward. Call home—your family will be a vital support this month. 

CANCER (Jun. 22—Jul. 22)

Check your bank balance. You’re going to have a very fraught relationship this month, and retail therapy isn’t the way to deal with it. You’ve been angry at someone a long time and trust me, they’ve noticed. Sometimes yelling at people provides much-needed emotional closure.

LEO (Jul. 23—Aug. 22)

You’re madly in love, and proudly so, but don’t rely too much on relationships for your happiness. This is the time for self-evaluation. You’re a natural-born leader, so you need to ask yourself, “What makes me special? How can I change the world?” The answer may surprise you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)

Life is going to be a sweet adventure for you the next few weeks. Mars’ energy is going to electrify your sex drive, so this is no time to be shy with that special person. Just make sure there are no misunderstandings.

LIBRA (Sept. 23—Oct. 22)

You don’t need to forgive and forget every time. Don’t miss out on happiness because you’re concerned for other people. If you feel wary of someone, there’s probably good reason behind it. You have so many options for who you can surround yourself with—don’t let this month end in tears.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24—Nov. 22)

You’ve made it through one of your greatest challenges so far. But now you have to summon the strength to follow through so you can finally reach your dreams. You’ll encounter enemies this month, but Mars will give you the energy to take them down with a smile. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23—Dec. 20)

Keep believing in yourself. November is going to be a complete restart for you in many ways, and great luck will come along with it. Resisting the impulse to grow and change won’t do you any favours. Greater forces are pushing for your success.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21—Jan. 19)

If you find yourself being pulled in two different directions this month, relinquish some of that tight-gripped control. You’re going to need to give yourself days to relax and think things over. The best solution to your inner conflict is compromise.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20—Feb. 19)

Don’t think of happiness as a puzzle you have to solve. You aren’t more lost than anyone else. If you can’t change what’s going on around you, change your perspective—stop overthinking. Don’t lash out at unwanted advice, but say politely, “I’m dealing with it, thank you.”

PISCES (Feb. 20—Mar. 20)

There’s a great spiritual awakening coming for you. You might already have noticed that you’re seeing more—understanding more—than the people around you. The best thing to do with this newfound clairvoyance is give your friends valuable advice. Their happiness will always be your happiness.

Fall, horoscopes

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