Those Gulls perfect and perform their newest album

Ottawa-based band Those Gulls will once again bring their punk-rock sound to Kingston, this time to perform new music from their album Forevermore.

Those Gulls formed in 2007 when life-long friends Andrew Grosvenor, vocalist and guitarist, and Peter Zachar, drummer, started to play together.

While the band originally consisted of two members, they always had a vision for a more powerful sound.

“We wanted to have a bigger, fuller sound and you can’t really do that when it’s two people,” Grosvenor said.

With this goal in mind, the duo added bassist Pierce McKennirey as well as another guitarist, Jake Ting, and a female vocal lead and keyboardist, Kate Schroder, in early 2013.

Their upcoming and self-produced album Forevermore is the first album being released since Those Gulls became a five-player band.

The band has compared their sound to M83 and Sonic Youth. Their sound has evolved by incorporating the diverse musical influences of the new members, Grosvenor said.

“With this five-member configuration and the various influences of genre that we have, we really feel like it’s fitting the sound we’ve always wanted to reach,” he said.

The songs included on Forevermore reflect each of the members’ original sounds and have resulted in the achievement of the big sound that Those Gulls have been striving for since the beginning.

“It’s the most complete album yet,” Grosvenor said. “What we have in our heads of what we want this band to be or what we want these sounds to be like – this is it.”

Those Gulls place importance on listening to an album in its entirety, and find influence from bands that create powerful albums.

“When you want to put together something raw and powerful I think – what would they do?” Zachar said. “You want to evoke the same kind of feeling.” The band’s sound has evolved along with their increasing knowledge and skill in music production, which comes through in their album.

After eight years of practicing self-producing, the band is finally satisfied with their results.

“We’re at the point now that we’re very happy with the results we get from recording ourselves – we feel self-sufficient in that regard,” Zachar said.

Those Gulls have played in Kingston four times before, and will be returning to the Mansion early November. Their Kingston show will be the first of six shows before returning to Ottawa.

“Kingston has always had a receptive crowd, so it’s good to start on a positive note like that,” Zachar said.

Those Gulls perform at the Mansion on Nov. 6.

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