Tomato egg drop soup

In the summer before I headed off to my first year of university, my mother insisted I learn how to cook the various staples we ate at home.

With Monday being Chinese New Year, I knew I wouldn’t be able to recreate any traditional Chinese dishes eaten during this time of year, but I do have this recipe.

While it isn’t the turkey dinner of the holiday, this tomato egg drop soup is a warm, authentic side that can be whipped up in minutes.

It only requires three main ingredients (four or five if you’re feeling fancy), and it’s a fresh and colourful complement to almost any dish.

It struck me recently just how perfect the recipe is for students, so I thought I’d share.

Simple, quick and healthy – what more can a student ask for?

Makes one serving


1 small tomato (Note: opt for a ripe yet firm tomato — it’ll bring out the most taste)
1 large egg
½ green or spring onion, or 1/5 of a white onion
1 cup of water
½ tablespoon of olive oil
Optional (for garnish): 1 small sprig of parsley
Optional (for more of an authentic flavour): sesame seed oil

(Top to bottom: Photos supplied via Pexels and Pixabay)


  1. Get out the chopping board and slice or dice your tomato.  Either way works — this recipe isn’t fussy. Then, cut up the onion as small as you can. Set both aside in separate bowls.
  2. Beat the egg with two tablespoons of water. This will help break the egg up so it spreads well throughout the soup. Set aside.
  3. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, heat up the oil for one minute before adding in the onion. After letting it sizzle for a minute or two, stir in the tomato. Then add water (and sesame oil if you have some) before covering the pot and bringing it to a boil.
  4. Let the soup boil for one to two minutes. The broth should turn a vibrant, orange-red colour. Then, pour in the whisked egg while stirring in one direction with a wooden spoon or whisk. The egg should form feathery, white ribbons throughout the soup.
  5. Quickly take it off the stove. Add parsley or extra chopped onion on top to serve. 

Campus cooking, Chinese New Year, festive, soup

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