Two new ArtSci plans announced for 2017-18 academic year

With two new plan offerings for next year, the Faculty of Arts and Science has now made it easier for students to pursue a degree that combines complimentary fields of study. 

As of the 2017-18 academic year, students in the Faculty of Arts and Science will now have the option of specializing in a combined plan of Politics, Philosophy and Economics, or majoring in Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

According to the Queen’s Gazette, the Politics-Philosophy-Economics (PPE) specialization will combine complementary skill sets and curriculums to help students better approach modern social issues.

The PPE webpage appeals to students planning to enter graduate studies in law, public service, international development, policy, and a range of other careers that demand strong communication and analytical skills.

According to the webpage, the program is structured like “an augmented medial” or a “triple-major”, and provides students with the choice of over 50 courses, as well as opportunities to complete a capstone research project, a study abroad experience, a paid internship or an additional certificate upon graduation.

ArtSci’s latest major hails from the relatively new Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLCU), which was formed in 2011. Prior to the announcement, LLCU students could only be recognized for a minor.

In an email to The Journal, Donato Santeramo, head of the department of LLCU, wrote that the new major will be “an excellent platform for exchanges and for students to gain additional experiential learning.”

“Besides core and language courses, students may take a variety of courses on literary and cultural themes offered within the Department or in other departments, hence offering a range of interdisciplinary standpoints from which cultural awareness may be gained,” Santeramo wrote.

According to Santeramo, the major in LLCU is primarily targeted towards students who are interested in studying multiple languages and broadening their understanding of cultural diversity.

The program takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on various linguistic, historical, politic, artistic and cultural courses offered within the Faculty.

According to The Gazette, the LLCU has also partnered with the Queen’s University International Centre to provide students in this major with an Intercultural Competence Certificate upon graduating.

The certificate indicates a significant understanding of intercultural interactions, commonalities and differences, and an important development of students’ intercultural competence.


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