Uncontested Trustee candidate faces forum

On January 26, the AMS held an an open forum for the uncontested Undergraduate Student Trustee election, with sole candidate Victoria Chappell, ArtSci ’19.

One of the first questions asked was how Chappell would bring a unified voice to the Board of Trustees, when an issue affects both undergraduate and graduate students.

Chappell encouraged a collaborative approach by reaching out to the student body and consulting with the Rector. Afterwards, she faced questions about how she planned to educate students on audit and risk within the position.

“You need to break it down yourself in order to present it to other students. It needs to be made digestible,” Chappell said.

When asked what student issues she would highlight at her first meeting, she responded that she would like to emphasize the impact of Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator Barbara Lotan.

On the topic of sexual violence, Chappell also wants to continue to push for the campus to be a safe an inclusive space, she said. As well, she said she values making bystander intervention training accessible to all students.

“Resources are extremely important to our student body,” she said.

Queen’s Diversity, Anti-racism and Equity (D.A.R.E.) Report was mentioned by Chappell on multiple occasions. She spoke to how the report is helping the university in taking a reactive approach to race and racism.

As well, Chappell noted how reports such as D.A.R.E. help the Board of Trustees and Senate to work together, as both bodies have the same priorities and guidelines.

One of the final questions of the night asked how Chappell could properly gain confidence from students, considering her uncontested run.

“I don’t want people to think that I ended up in this position because I was the only one running,” she said. “I’ve been very dedicated to preparing for the campaign and this position.”

acclamation, Board of Trustees, Undergraduate Student Trustee, Victoria Chappell

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