Vice-president-elect announces resignation

AMS Vice-President-elect of operations Peter Green has resigned from his position, citing a lack of confidence in his fellow executive members.

Green, who won the AMS executive election with Eril Berkok and TK Pritchard as Team BGP late January, denounced his teammates for demanding his resignation.

In a letter to the Journal, Green said he faced pressure from Berkok and Pritchard to resign over his lack of experience following the election win.

“[I] was approached by President-elect Eril Berkok and Vice-President-elect TK Pritchard with a demand that I resign or face a vote of non-confidence at AMS Assembly,” the letter read. “The reason they provided me was that they felt I did not have the necessary experience to fulfill the role of Vice-President (Operations) and that it was unlikely that I could get up to speed before our term begins on May 1st.”

The letter goes on to say that Green offered to work with both Berkok and Pritchard, an offer which was rejected.

“[The] actions of Eril and TK over the past several days have convinced me that we no longer have the confidence and trust in each other and the commitment to support in each other that is necessary to work together successfully,” Green wrote in the letter.

In a statement released around 3 p.m. Thursday on Facebook, Berkok and Pritchard said they didn’t threaten to impeach Green or pressure him to resign based on his level of experience.

Green decided to resign on Sunday, but didn’t officially announce his decision to the current executive until yesterday morning.

“[We] would like it to be noted that this had nothing to do with his experience and we continue to believe that the AMS is a no-experience required institution,” Berkok and Pritchard said in the statement addressed to current AMS Assembly in an email. “Seeking to balance transparency and respect for everyone involved, we do not feel it would be appropriate to disclose further details about specific circumstances.”

Both ignored multiple interview requests from the Journal.

Last night, Berkok and Pritchard nominated Nicola Plummer as a replacement for Green. AMS Assembly will vote to ratify Plummer as the incoming vice-president of operations at a special AMS Assembly on Sunday.

This process is in accordance with section 2.02.03 of the AMS Constitution, according to an AMS statement.

Section 2.02.03 reads that “executive members may appoint a replacement, who is a Society member, subject to the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Assembly present and voting at a meeting where notice of a motion of approval has been duly given.” Plummer said she has met with Berkok and Pritchard multiple times since they became aware of Green’s resignation.

“I have full confidence that they are both kind and thoughtful individuals who have acted in the best interest of students,” Plummer told the Journal via email. “I hope that our students will agree that this combination presents a team of strong, competent individuals, but also a united team with similar values.”

The duo has assembled a hiring panel, consisting of the AMS retail operations permanent staff member and three current head service managers, to hire next year’s head managers, which is typically overseen by the by the incoming vice-president of operations.

Interviews for head manager positions have taken place over the past two days without Green, according to Taylor Mann, AMS communications officer. Positions previously hired by Green won’t be affected by his resignation, Mann added.

Greg McKellar, AMS information officer, couldn’t confirm whether similar incidents have happened in the past, but said that since he began at the society 24 years ago, he hasn’t seen an incoming executive member resign from their post.

The decision to apply section 2.02.03, which doesn’t directly address incoming executive members, to Green’s resignation was made by the current executive team and McKellar.

AMS Assembly members will vote on the application of the section on Sunday.

“Were going based on the most applicable set of guidelines,” McKellar said. “There is a very clear procedure here to follow.”

For Green’s full statement, see page 12.


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