Young wins Rector race

Mike Young turned and hugged his father, Rick, when he heard the news that he would become the University’s next Rector.

His supporters and the AMS Elections Team gathered around him and called for a speech. Young thanked his volunteers, his dad, his campaign manager, Erin Maguire, and said that after the night’s festivities he would jump right in to his new role.

“It’s time to get to work and make good on what I promised,” he said.

“I can’t describe it. I’m going to try and show gratitude to everyone,” he added.

Maguire, his campaign manager, said she was happy to be a part of the campaign.

“He’ll do amazing things and help lots of people,” she said. “I’m so happy I could help him.”

Many of the campaign volunteers said they were pleased by how successful the campaign was at getting Young’s face around campus. Taylor Katzel, one of the volunteer coordinators, said he was feeling “very accomplished.”

The win came at the end of a tense night for Young, who described himself as “super nervous” at the beginning of the night and “in a panic” as the announcement was imminent.

Young said he was happy with his campaign, saying that his volunteers did an amazing job and that his campaign manager, Maguire, is a “saint.”

“She ran the entire campaign and controlled everything I did,” he said.

Young began his thank-you speech by tearing up and saying “I usually have words.” He thanked his team and supporters, and was greeted with clapping and cheers. One of the loudest responses was when he thanked his dad for being there.

His father, a Queen’s alumnus, said he watched the campaign from afar and was “very impressed with all three candidates.”

Marcus Threndyle and Aman Partap, the other candidates for the position, said they were glad they had the opportunity to run and that they learned a lot from the experience.

”I’m really proud of the campaign we ran,” Threndyle said.

“If we’re not what ultimately what Queen’s felt would do the best job, then they shouldn’t have picked us … we gave them that option and that’s what mattered.”

Threndyle said that Young “has this absolutely unparalleled passion and drive … he will do such a fantastic job in this role.

“I can’t wait to see all the amazing things that he’s going to do.”

Regarding his future, Threndyle told his supporters, “I’m sure we’ll come up with a new adventure to embark with one another on in the very near future.”

Partap, who was on West Campus with his supporters, said he was pleased with the results.

“I’m proud of Mike,” he said. “I knew he’d do a good job.

“I’m going to party it out, have some fun with my friends and then go do some physics and chemistry.”

Nick Francis, the current Rector, was the first one through the door to deliver the good news to Young. He said that Young is “incredibly dedicated and inspiring.”

“I’m very happy he’ll succeed me,” Francis said.

– With files from David Carpenter and Chloe Sobel

Elections, Rector

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