Dream Interpreter: After the party

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves a deck of cards, a current crush, and an elementary school friend.


The other night, I dreamt I was at a house party. The party ended and then the next day, I realized I had forgotten something there: a pack of cards. I returned to the party, which was at my crush’s house, to retrieve them. He was really annoyed when I showed up and was impatient when I was searching for this pack of cards around his living room.

For some reason, my mom came with me, and I don’t know why she would be there. A girl from my elementary school, who’s someone I’ve never known well and am no longer in touch with, was also there, as if she was his sister.

What does this mean? I don’t play cards, I’ve never been to my crush’s family home, and that wasn’t actually his sister.

Dear Dreamer,

Nonsensical dreams are frustrating because, while they seem so familiar, they’re incredibly difficult to decode.

Between the familiar faces and changing scenery, it seems like your brain developed the dream by compiling various images from throughout your life and pushing them into one narrative. On top of the bizarre content, this dream stretches over two different days, a duration that can be exhausting to experience while you’re trying to get some rest.

Consider the timing of your dream: what was happening in your life around the time that it occurred? If your brain was overwhelmed by a wide range of information during your waking hours, this could be its attempt to process everything that’s happened.

A few major symbols are present within your dream, including a deck of cards, your crush, and a girl from your elementary school.

In dreams, a deck of cards is often associated with taking chances and gambling, typically with a negative connotation. In this case, the deck of cards is a bad omen about what will happen when you eventually return to your crush’s house, because they’re the object that draws you back there. This warning proves to be true since he doesn’t treat you well once you arrive.

While seeing your crush in a dream is pretty normal—as you likely spend time thinking about him during the day—you’re hyper-aware of his emotional response to your actions and experience some embarrassment about making him annoyed. This dynamic could indicate that there’s a toxic element to this relationship, or that you may be holding onto something that’s not working out.

The presence of a distant friend from your childhood indicates that your brain is overwhelmed by what’s currently happening in your life. It means you might be seeking out memories from a time when life wasn’t so complicated and you had more opportunities to just have fun.

Whether you were overwhelmed by something specific or going through a period of change in your life, it’s likely your brain pulled a random figure from your childhood to represent the kind of outlet you’re seeking for release.

To avoid nonsensical dreams, take a few minutes before you go to sleep to think about everything you’ve done throughout the day. My advice is to consider the highs and lows and try to cut yourself some slack when things aren’t going exactly as planned. By acknowledging your feelings while you’re awake, you’ll free up your brain for more exciting dreams.

Sweet dreams!

Meryl Sleep

dream interpreter, Dreams

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