Giving credit where credit is due

Lately I’ve been thinking about all of the support staff that makes this University run smoothly. Professors receive recognition and respect, but what about everyone else?

I personally owe more to the people in the background than anyone else. I am talking about the individuals in the library, at student awards and in the cafeteria; the custodians and physical plant services, and everyone else who works hard everyday behind the scenes and probably never hears a thank you.

I think we take a lot of things for granted as students. When we leave our coffee cups and newspapers lying around the JDUC, we assume someone will pick them up. That someone is Doug and he works every evening cleaning up after lazy students. I would think Doug would get bitter but actually Doug is one of the nicest people I know. He always greets me during my shift at the info desk and asks how I am doing. When something goes wrong and I need a room unlocked, Doug is right there looking to help out. Doug makes my life easier, and he cleans up after you too. Maybe more students would consider recycling their used coffee cups or juice bottles if they knew who was picking up after them.

The staff in the room booking office in the JDUC also works hard to make the extra-curricular activities of this campus run smoothly. That office is probably one of the busiest on campus. The people who work there are thoughtful and personable. Every day, a student will come in and want a room at the very last minute. Most times this office will be able to find them one. This is the infrastructure that backs up the imagination of all of the clubs and services at the AMS. Next time you have a meeting, think about it.

Here’s a personal favorite of mine: the Student Awards office. I have been in this office full of dismay more times then I would like to remember, but somehow I always leave feeling hopeful. This office has moved mountains to help me stay here at Queen’s and I love them for it. Heather at the front desk will remember your name and ask how you are doing. Angie is the OSAP expert and manages to stay on top of everything despite the masses of students of whom she has to keep track. Spending time at Student Awards because you are broke is not fun, but the staff there make it easier most of the time.

Other people that get little love, but lots of complaints, include the staff at Health, Counseling and Disability Services. I’m thinking of Diane and Elspeth, the friendly front desk staff, and the Ability Services office. The sheer volume of students that go through that office is astounding considering the funding they get.

There’s also the cafeteria. Yes, we all get sick of the food sooner or later, but some of the staff are the most welcoming people out there. Special mention goes to Jackie and Drina at Ban Righ, who make me smile on my bitchiest days. Jackie’s been at Ban Righ for 33 years and she still comes to work smiling.

I don’t want to guilt anyone into being thankful or appreciative. I just want to raise awareness of the people behind the scenes. I look around campus and see that it is clean and safe and sometimes I take that for granted. Then I remember that it is only clean and safe because physical plant services makes it that way.

I can’t mention all of the people that have made my time here easier and helped when I was overwhelmed by bureaucracy, but I am thankful that they were there. The next time you drop off an essay to the departmental assistant or walk in to the faculty office in a panic, try to remember that there is life beyond the professors and administration. There are also the people who keep the University running day to day and they deserve our thanks.

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