Tag: Facebook

Misogynist Facebook page was run by a Queen’s employee

A Facebook page called Kings of Queen’s, which featured posts targeting Queen’s students and spreading anti-women messages, was run by a Queen’s employee, The Journal has learned. Earlier this month, Kings of Queen’s posted a screenshot of a Facebook page in which the administrator’s personal profile...

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What’s Facebook’s status after 2018 scandals?

Not too long ago, the #10YearChallenge would’ve taken over our newsfeeds for a few days before dropping out of cultural relevancy, as most internet trends do. However, Facebook has become increasingly untrustworthy after last year’s data breaches and intrusive practices, the social media challenge...

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Facebook fact-checkers impact more than fake news

Facebook’s expanded fact-checking practice doesn’t overstep the line, but it does call public media literacy into question.  In late October, Facebook announced their updated fact-checking practice, which allows its 33 fact-checking partners to debunk and down-rank headlines deemed false even if the...

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Are our phones listening to us?

The idea that everyone with an electronic device is under surveillance has circled mainstream society since George Orwell’s 1984. Though Orwell’s novel is fiction, hyper-tailored social media ads suggest our phones may be listening to us almost as much as Big Brother. One of the most prominent...

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What the Cambridge Analytica Facebook breach means for students

It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you – and, if you’re on Facebook, they really might be.  In case you’ve avoided this news until now, IT service management company Cambridge Analytica harvested 50 million Facebook users’ personal data and used it to assist the Trump and Brexit campaigns...

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Facebook’s political focus isn’t going anywhere

Despite changes to your Facebook timeline, don’t expect your politically-charged newsfeed to be replaced with a constant stream of dog photos just yet. After concluding users are happier when using Facebook to connect with their social circle, people in the coming weeks will begin seeing fewer posts...

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Student objects to pornographic course materials

On Wednesday, Maria Shuster posted a video on Facebook — which was removed hours later — of her professor displaying pornography in class. While Shuster felt the explicit material was “uncomfortable,” her professor stands by the choice to include it. The 300-level Gender Studies course, entitled “Masculinities:...

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Advertising drinking online is a slippery slope

Tilt and Facebook can be great ways to advertise and collect funds for events, but students should be careful as the use of these platforms for organizing and charging for parties becomes increasingly popular.  Let’s be honest: students party and this isn’t going to change anytime soon. But what most...

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ResSoc Executive debates draw Facebook Live audience of 1,300

On Sunday night, in front of a small crowd in the Victoria Hall lobby, Residence Society (ResSoc) Executive candidates Team CPR and Team IWJ debated over the future of the society. Both teams are running candidates for Society President, Vice President of Judicial Affairs (VPJA) and Vice President...

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My online obsession

I became addicted to social media in grade four.   At first, the attraction was talking to my friends outside of school without having to ask my parents. And since I’m being honest, that quickly developed into being able to talk to my first boyfriend without their watchful eyes.   Looking back now,...

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YikYak on right track

“Overheard is dead,” the Journal’s Production Manager Sam Koebrich proclaimed in a signed editorial published on Sept. 24. Attacking the popular Facebook group Overheard at Queen’s, his statements caused quite a stir on campus and many took him to task. Since September, strange new stirrings have...

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Ask before you tinker, Facebook

Whether or not it was technically legal, Facebook didn’t do good by their users when they conducted a recently released study. Researchers at Facebook published a paper last month revealing that they had manipulated the newsfeeds of over half a million of their users, by changing the number of positive...

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Passing off the torch: Queen's U Compliments

The founders of Queen’s U Compliments are graduating. With them goes one of the largest and most positive campus movements of past years, but they plan to leave the page in good hands. Their page started a global trend of spreading positivity and celebrating the beautiful, but often unrecognized,...

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Police to take preventative measures for Homecoming weekend

The Kingston Police Force (KPF) is taking a preventative approach to this year’s Homecoming celebrations, with a special focus on using social media. Steve Koopman, media relations officer for the KPF, said that the police will monitor events in the areas around campus, football games and on social...

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Missed connections

A relationship website that uses Facebook to assist missed connections on campus has launched at Queen’s. Joysper uses an “I’m curious” feature that allows users interested in each other to connect. The online program was founded by Thomas Lee, Comm ‘14, and Daniel Li a student at both the University...

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Less than friends

Facebook allows us to reconnect with old friends, maintain long-distance relationships and post ridiculous comments on our roommates’ walls — even if they’re sitting only two feet away. It’s also a place where endless hours are wasted sifting through album after album of friends’ photos. When you...

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Rules of digital engagement

We’re all guilty of allowing ourselves to be held hostage by smartphones, Facebook and Twitter. It’s a sad reality that social media and the ever-present devices of digital culture prevent us from real-life socializing. If we accept that we’re willing to be slaves to social media, then knowing the...

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Digital shadows

As we tweet, comment, like and post on walls, a shadowy digital version of us is compiled in cyberspace. It’s a virtual copy of ourselves with an appearance, personality and lifestyle. It’s similar to the Jim Carrey movie, The Truman Show. We’re creating that Truman who’s being observed, analyzed...

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